Share portfolio management

History shows that, while volatile in the short to medium term, over the long term shares can be a great way to preserve and create wealth. But you need to know what you are doing so that you can manage the volatility. What’s more the share market can also be complex, and simply managing your share portfolio can be a time-consuming and expensive process.

Our services include comprehensive share portfolio management services. We help you with all aspects of your share portfolio – from assistance in finding the right investments in the first place, to keeping the balance of your portfolio in line with your appetite for risk, to managing things like franking credits and your participation in share buy-backs and the like. We use economies of scale to add value to your portfolio and our service means you are never ‘on your own’ when it comes to share investing.

Professional share portfolio management can make all the difference to the success of your investment. So, talk to us today about how we can help you get the most out of your share investments.

Troy Mojsoski


Troy Mojsoski is the principal founder of Blue Chip Super. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant (CA), Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA), Specialist in Financial Planning and Licenced Financial Adviser. Troy has almost 30 years’ experience in advisory matters, with specialisation in a variety of area’s including Self-Managed Superannuation, Personal Superannuation, Shares, Property Investment, cashflow and debt management, Risk Insurance as well as general taxation and business matters.

Troy enjoys helping professionals and small business people minimise tax and create wealth.

Away from the office Troy enjoys going to the gym and spending time with family and friends.

Troy Mojsoski is an authorised representative (245074) of Blue Chip Super Pty Ltd (AFSL 453296).

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