Legal Services

Most people need quality legal advice at some point in time.

Through our arrangement with McMasters Lo Andrawis (MLA) Lawyers, we can assist you to obtain quality advice on all of the common areas of need. This includes things like wills, general powers of attorney, medical powers of attorney, co-ownership agreements, contracts, etc. All services are provided with Einstein’s principle in mind: things should be as simple as possible – but no simpler.

MLA Lawyers are also experts on legal structures to ensure optimal business planning, investment planning, asset protection and succession planning. They also specialise in advising on things like loan contracts, guarantees and other aspects of helping other people you know meet their own financial objectives. And if you find yourself in some form of dispute, they can help out here as well.

It makes sense to get your financial adviser to organise these services for you. By getting us to talk directly with your legal advisers you ensure that those legal advisers completely understand the financial aims their advice is designed to meet.  And because we have an ongoing arrangement with MLA Lawyers, you can be sure that the work will be done as efficiently as possible.

What’s more, MLA Lawyers specialise in working in conjunction with financial advisers. They do this all day, every day. This means that the financial impact of their advice – and whether it complements your existing financial plan – is always at the forefront of their thinking.

Troy Mojsoski


Troy Mojsoski is the principal founder of Blue Chip Super. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant (CA), Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA), Specialist in Financial Planning and Licenced Financial Adviser. Troy has almost 30 years’ experience in advisory matters, with specialisation in a variety of area’s including Self-Managed Superannuation, Personal Superannuation, Shares, Property Investment, cashflow and debt management, Risk Insurance as well as general taxation and business matters.

Troy enjoys helping professionals and small business people minimise tax and create wealth.

Away from the office Troy enjoys going to the gym and spending time with family and friends.

Troy Mojsoski is an authorised representative (245074) of Blue Chip Super Pty Ltd (AFSL 453296).

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