
Investing means becoming wealthier by buying and sometimes selling assets that provide income while you hold them and capital when you sell them.

There are two ways to invest and three broad types of investment. We can assist you with all of them.

The two ways to invest are directly or indirectly. Direct investment is where you buy and hold investment assets in your own name (or in the name of some entity that you control, such as a family trust or a self-managed super fund). If direct investment is what you are after, we can help you find the right investments to make and the right ways to manage those investments. A big part of this is making sure that you buy the asset in the right hands. Sometimes this is yourself, but sometimes it is not.

Indirect investment is where you employ an investment manager to buy and hold investment assets on your behalf. We can assist you to identify the managed investment option or options that best suits your circumstance and your goals, and then show you how to access the particular benefits of managed investments to minimise your risk.

The three broad things in which you can invest are shares, property and cash fixed/interest. The specific choice of investment types, and the way in which you mix these choices within your portfolio, is different for each person.

We take the time to assist you to identify which type or types of asset class makes most sense, and then assist you to make either a direct or indirect investment accordingly.

Troy Mojsoski


Troy Mojsoski is the principal founder of Blue Chip Super. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant (CA), Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA), Specialist in Financial Planning and Licenced Financial Adviser. Troy has almost 30 years’ experience in advisory matters, with specialisation in a variety of area’s including Self-Managed Superannuation, Personal Superannuation, Shares, Property Investment, cashflow and debt management, Risk Insurance as well as general taxation and business matters.

Troy enjoys helping professionals and small business people minimise tax and create wealth.

Away from the office Troy enjoys going to the gym and spending time with family and friends.

Troy Mojsoski is an authorised representative (245074) of Blue Chip Super Pty Ltd (AFSL 453296).

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