Finance and Debt Management

If you get your debt right, financial security will follow.

That’s why we make debt management a key part of your financial plan. It is one of the first things we look at for all of our clients.

Debt touches most things that we do. Few of us buy homes without taking on a mortgage, and even fewer can afford to make an investment without any debt.

But it is not just this ‘big debt’ that matters. There are other types of debt as well. Who doesn’t have a credit card (or three)? Or a car loan? Or even a HECS debt that needs to be repaid? Managing these debts properly adds significantly to your ‘bottom line.’ When you save money on debt repayments you free yourself up to move forward somewhere else. The money you save can be used to make extra super contributions, to seed an investment, to upgrade your home or just to do something nice like take a holiday or eat out a little more often.

And it is not just a matter of minimising interest. We help you ensure that your loans are structured properly, so that you can optimise everything else that debt touches. This includes things like tax deductibility, asset protection, repayment prioritisation and personal maintenance.

We can also provide credit services to organise home loans, investment loans, reverse mortgages, LRBA loans for SMSFs, credit cards and all other forms of debt. Our credit services are all provided under the authority of a licenced credit provider within the Australian Credit Licencing System.

Troy Mojsoski


Troy Mojsoski is the principal founder of Blue Chip Super. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant (CA), Certified Practicing Accountant (CPA), Specialist in Financial Planning and Licenced Financial Adviser. Troy has almost 30 years’ experience in advisory matters, with specialisation in a variety of area’s including Self-Managed Superannuation, Personal Superannuation, Shares, Property Investment, cashflow and debt management, Risk Insurance as well as general taxation and business matters.

Troy enjoys helping professionals and small business people minimise tax and create wealth.

Away from the office Troy enjoys going to the gym and spending time with family and friends.

Troy Mojsoski is an authorised representative (245074) of Blue Chip Super Pty Ltd (AFSL 453296).

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